Picking out her own engagement ring...Yay or Nay?

Nowadays, we are seeing women more involved in creating their engagement ring. Some folks still have the traditional mindset and ask, “Well doesn’t that take the surprise out of the whole thing?” I mean, yes, but should an engagement be a total shock anyway? Many couples discuss marriage and their future together well before an engagement. Some girls dream about their wedding day from an early age, and well, some dream about their engagement ring.

We want to encourage women to be vocal about what they want in an engagement ring. After all, she will be the one wearing it on her finger forever and ever and ever. So it’s really important that she loves it! Plus, this would alleviate some pressure on your future fiancé of having to pick out the perfect ring; because let’s face it, most guys are clueless about jewelry. What’s that saying? Oh yeah, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. There’s a reason for that fellas. We know our diamonds and we love them! So let us help you out!

About 75% of our customers come in together as a couple to design her dream ring. Many will come to the initial meeting to discuss what she likes. From there, a lot of women will tell their significant other that they can take it from there. In other cases, the guy will come alone, but will have a picture of exactly what she wants. We've even had a gentlemen come in with an entire ring sketch by his girlfriend which was totally awesome!

Now it’s totally okay if your beau wants to surprise you and create a ring on his own. If this is the case, maybe drop hints of what you want through other outlets. For example, when guys come in and don’t have any idea of what his lady wants we usually resort to searching on Pinterest to find a jewelry board she may have created with rings she likes. This not only helps him tremendously, but us as well to get an idea of her style.

We love working together with couples. It’s such a fun process and everyone gets what they want! Happy wife (to be) and happy life, am I right? And if you’re someone who has that traditional mindset of wanting it all to be a complete shock, just remember while the ring may not be a surprise, the proposal will always be.